Friday, October 20, 2017

364 days ago...

364 days ago was our last day as a family of five.  I took a picture with each of the kids, one with the hubs and then group shots...all with my amazingly huge belly! was a belly that got a lot of comments. Comments such as "twins?" or from the worker at Chuck E Cheese "You are the biggest pregnant lady I have seen" or from a random at Costco "it must be a 10-pounder"....oh the comments.  Anyway, back to 364 days ago.  We knew we were having a boy.  We knew we were having another c-section.  We knew what it was like to have a newborn.  We knew so much about adding a baby to the family and how to take care of a baby, but we still felt like first-time parents.  It had been almost 4 years since we had Georgia and 6.5 years since we had a baby boy.  So we were giddy and nervous.  We didn't know who the baby was going to be, how he would act and the biggest question...who was he going to look like??  We were all just so anxious to meet him  So excited to have him join our family to make a family of six!  There was so much going through my mind that night.  I just remember having to wake up super early and shower and get to the hospital by 7am.  We have to leave before the kids left for school, but we got to say goodbye to them that morning.

Fast forward one is the day before my littlest baby boy turns one!  This last year flew by....seriously!  I am trying to remember it and his milestones, but with 3 other kids, it is tough to do.  Thank God for iPhones!  I have all my memories in that thing...except there was a period that my phone was those pictures and videos are few.  Davison completed our family.  I remember after each of the other kids, I never felt that completion.  I just wanted another child.  Even after Georgia and everyones comment that "you got your girl"--I still didn't feel complete.  I remember wanting a girl..a sister for Georgia, but Davis is something else.  He is the sweetest, happiest, smiliest, mama lovin' baby boy.  I seriously can't get enough of him. The three older kids love him so much and still fight over his attention.  Georgia is his little mama and still is obsessed and going to "marry my baby brother."  Pete loves his littlest man so much too.  So much that he brings him into our bed every night.  It took a while to convince Pete for number 4 because he was so worried about me having another surgery, but he finally knew it would be safe and knows we have a wonderful family that would welcome another little baby.  Davis filled that missing place in my heart and in our family.  He is a wild one and definitely the most energetic of the kids at this age, but it is well worth it.  His cute little smile with the big space between his two front top teeth, his scrunched up nose when he smiles and super scrunched up face when he gets mad.  Everything about that kid to so darn cute.  And the best thing is that he loves his mama and give me the best kisses ever.

At bedtime tonight I was super teary.  Pete came in and we hugged Davis together.  He confirmed that it is emotional since it is the last day that we will ever have a child under one.  Just thinking about it right now is making me cry.  But I know that there is so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to.  Last night Davis actually slept through the night in his crib...first time ever!!  But tonight...I kind of hope he wakes up so he has to sleep with us and we get to wake up with him in our bed tomorrow morning on his first birthday.

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